Friday, February 24, 2012


Flameson is an engineer living with his sickly father, William. Min Hui is a make-up artist living with her mother, Jenny.

Although they have met each other for a few times, it led to many misunderstandings between each other. Only after that then they realised that they like each other.

A special thing: Even their mum and dad fell in love with each other!

Flameson Teng
William Lim
Tan Min Hui
Jenny Huang
John Tan (Min Hui's ex)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Due to work commitments, Evan Lim will not continue as the host for the upcoming info-ed show: True Feelings II. Instead, hosts such as Carol Ng (India), Fernando Tan (Thailand) and CJ (China) will be taking turns to host.